The key to a successful Montessori home is fostering independence in your child. No matter what stage of life, a family should strive for the right balance of autonomy and dependence. If you are new to Montessori, check out this great resource from the American Montessori Society on creating an amicable environment where everyone has their own space and time alone while still maintaining close relationships within the family unit. As long as each member of the household understands his or her role (and boundaries), there will be harmony throughout your entire living situation! What's your role in supporting the family’s Montessori practice?
Observe - Take the time to observe your child at home without interfering with their activities.
Model, Invite & Practice - Modeling how to successfully manage household tasks and providing assisted practice from an early age will result in capable young children, preteens, teenagers, and adults.
Engage - Children in a Montessori environment do not sit passively waiting to be taught. Instead, they actively seek their own lessons and pursue their own interests.
Adapt - Change the environment based on your observations to ensure your child's success, interest, and independence.
Practice Real-Life Skills - In Montessori education, students learn to take care of themselves and their environment, as well as be helpful to their peers.
Nurture Inner motivation - Children are most willing to put in effort when they believe their work has intrinsic value.
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