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Order & Routines For Young Children


When children first start in a new classroom, there is a lot of anxiety that comes with being in a new environment, with new children and teachers, and new routines. It is the repetition of the routine that eases the anxiety in the child. As the child begins to see the patterns and accept the regularity of things, they can begin to fully acclimate to their new class. This article from Living Montessori Education Community elaborates how regularity and routine is important at home, too.

Establishing a routine at home:

  1. Create a schedule - Create a schedule with moveable pieces so your child can engage with the schedule and participate in planning their days.

  2. Set a timer - When you have trouble getting out of the house on time, set a timer and explain the purpose to your child. Let them know what happens when the timer goes off and what the next step will be in your routine.

  3. Conduct family meetings - In your meeting, have an open dialog with your child about how their week went. If your child is too young to respond, go into broadcaster mode and explain what you would like to work on with your child in the coming days/weeks.

Children Thrive In An Orderly World

It can be hard to remember how sensitive children can be to very minor changes in their routine. Regularity helps them to feel safe. It eases their anxiety. It allows them to grow, to learn, to be happy. As inconvenient and challenging as it may be for us, the children thrive in an orderly world. Help them to see that consistency every day, and you might be surprised, even young toddlers, at what they can accomplish.

by Living Montessori Education Community



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